Cost | Rio Bravo Reversal


Costs & Payment Info

Tubal ligation reversal surgery

$2850** usd

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Essure/Adiana/Fymbria repair

$3350** usd

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Vasectomy reversal surgery

$2450** usd

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Tubal ligation reversal surgery

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Essure/Adiana/Fymbria repair

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Vasectomy reversal surgery

  • Base Cost hospital/surgery fees
  • General labs
  • Epidural
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctors fees

Price includes the base cost of hospital/surgery fees including general labs, epidural, hospital stay, doctors fees, etc. Prices do not include travel expenses. **Additional services/fees may result if you have health issues or specific requests.  See below.

A $250 scheduling deposit is required when you schedule (750 for cosmetics surgery). The deposit is deducted from your total costs.

You ‘will’ have additional fees if you

  • Have any special medical needs, pre-existing illnesses, or certain medical conditions which would make surgery a higher risk
  • Have had previous multiple surgeries (including c-sections)
  • Are 40 years old or over
  • Have 30% bmi or above
  • Have allergies to latex or certain medications
  • Are medically unable to have an epidural (need general anesthesia)

All of these issues will be determined on a patient by patient basis and are approximate –

  • If your bmi is 30% or above (or borderline) there is an additional exam required.  There may also be high bmi fees ($300-$1100) depending on your BMI.   BMI’s 60% or above will be at the doctor’s discretion. If you have a bmi of 55% or above – you will  have general anesthesia instead of epidural ($400).  
You ‘may’ have additional fees if you (fees determined by doctor review of pre-op evaluation form)
  • Are taking certain prescription medications
  • Have special pharmacy needs
  • Require additional days in the hospital
  • Have certain health issues

Anesthesia Prices: The surgeon will determine the method of anesthesia; you will have an epidural unless there is a medical reason not to.

  • Epidural (included in the cost of surgery)
  • Epidural + sedation – $100 (by request or if it is medically necessary during surgery or based on the health review)
  • General anesthesia $400 ( 300 if the epidural is not possible)

Other fees & surgeries:

  • IM exam Fee (if needed): $350 -$650 (if there are multiple medical issues, or high risk medical issues)
  • Additional or alternative medications (pharmacy) ~ (determined by use)
  • Blood bank per unit ~ $375
  • Private Care Nurse (if traveling alone) – $180
  • Sperm Analysis – $50
  • Additional Lab work (anemia, thyroid , etc) – based on patient needs
  • Duplicate records request (post op) – $50
  • HSG – $450
  • Vaginal rejuvenation (vaginoplasty) – $2850 ($2350 with reversal surgery) + 750 labiaplasty (with Vaginal Rej / 1750 stand alone surgery)
  • Hysterectomy – $3750 (2 night stay)
  • Tubal ligation – $2850
  • Fibroid tumor/ cyst removal $2450 (during reversal surgery approximately $600-$1000)
  • Small cyst removal (during reversal) $350-$650  with reversal
  • Essure / Adiana reversal or additional repair (500 extra)
  • IUD removal – $250-350
  • Other procedures (wart removal etc, please email for information)

There are cost benefits for doing certain procedures together, but doing them as ‘individual’ procedures will make the costs higher.

UPDATE: All patients will be sent a pre-op health history / cost evaluation email to be completed by the patient and reviewed by the doctor in advance.

This form, in addition to your tubal ligation records if you have them (records are not mandatory), will be reviewed to help determine if any additional fees may apply.

You should always bring a minimum of $300-500 for emergency funds.

How and when should we make payment?

SCHEDULING FEE: Your scheduling fee will be paid at the time of making your appointment – we will send an invoice for your payment.  For more details please see the deposit page.

ADDITIONAL COSTS:  Any pre-determined additional costs for services will be paid in cash at the hospital, in addition to your surgery cost. We cannot accept payment in advance, except under certain conditions.  Please email the office for more information.

BALANCE: The only method of payment at the hospital is cash (US dollars). Traveler’s checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, credit card payments are no longer accepted due to the high number of fraudulent payments made to the hospital by patients. Payment is made in advance of surgery for this reason.

INSURANCE: the hospital cannot accept or file insurance claims. You can pay at the hospital and ‘may’ be able to get a reimbursement from your insurance company; you will need to check with your provider to find out if this is possible and what information would be needed. We will attempt to supply any paperwork necessary for your insurance company.

FLEX PAY/EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ACCOUNTS – Unfortunately some of these cards do not work on our system because we are not in the US and not in the flex network. However, you are welcome to try your card to determine if it works.  We have noticed that cards are working more often recently.   If not, you can pay for your surgery out of pocket, and request reimbursement  from your FSA company by providing your hospital receipts and records. Please check with your company and find out what your company’s options are.

FMLA/ SURGERY VERIFICATION/ RELEASE TO WORK – if you need paperwork filled out for your job, we volunteers that do that during off hours. It can take several weeks so please be sure to check with your employer to find out what you need in advance and send to our office as early as possible. There are no time guarantees on any paperwork, but we will try to do them as quickly as possible. Please note FMLA forms are a courtesy service and cannot be demanded from our office.  For duplicate sets of paperwork, or follow up paperwork, a fee may be charged.  Contact our office for details.   Surgery verification and release to work letters can be provided on request.

Insurance codes, assistance with funding or reimbursement:

Flex Pay and other employer funded programs / insurance refunds: If you are seeking a reimbursement from your insurance carrier or a medical plan from your employer, please bring your forms with you to be filled out while you are at the hospital. Getting them after you leave could be a lengthy process.  Flex pay cards may not work with our card service; but you are welcome to try yours. Your Flex provider may reimburse you and/or may pay in advance, but you need to discuss that with your provider. We will attempt to provide any documentation you may need for your reimbursement.

The diagnosis code (ICD-9) that insurance companies use for bilateral tubal occlusion is 628.2. (New code ICD-10 – (N97.1) Diagnosis – Female infertility of tubal origin.

The procedure code (CPT) for tubal reanastomosis is 58750.

last updated Apr 04, 2023